I received my BSc, MSc and PhD degrees from ITU in 2002, 2005 and 2009 respectively. I always remember that I owe my current position in the field of Computer Engineering to the solid academic foundation I received in ITU and I act
with this awareness.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Kantarcı
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Artificial Intelligence (Graduate) Program Director, University of Ottawa, Canada

The best part of studying artificial intelligence at Istanbul Technical University is having the opportunity to work with experienced faculty. With a wide range of courses, ITU gives students the chance to learn the fundamentals and
apply this understanding to problems in numerous fields. It is possible to take parts in collaborative projects and our faculty provide the best support both in scientific studies and practical application development.
Eray Yıldız
Language Engineer - Apple Siri

My network has expanded thanks to the studies and projects I took part in at ITU. I recommend the faculty of Computer Engineering to those who want to enter the private sector upon graduation.
Şahin Olut
PhD Student - University of North Carolina, USA

The opening of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering department at Istanbul Technical University in the safe hands of respected professors is a very big step in terms of being a first in Turkey. I wish success all of the
new candidates and look forward to working with them in the future.
Bahadır Bal
Software Engineer - Microsoft

Artificial intelligence is actually being actively used today, including Amazon, to automate many processes and has been an extremely popular topic for the past few years. We also took advantage of this popularity when I was graduating
two years ago. Most of my friends who graduated from ITU Computer Engineering also had their graduation projects on artificial intelligence.
Ozan Ata
Software Development Engineer - Amazon Berlin

ITU is a place where you can improve both personally and professionally. Electronics and the internet are an integral part of our lives. If working in this field excites you, you can choose either the department of Computer Engineering
or Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, which has opened this year.
Güneş Yurdakul
Computer Sciences MSc Student - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Shortly after graduating, I started working at the Uber Amsterdam office. I believe ITU has contributed greatly to my progress in this path. The information I acquired in throughout my education was especially useful in the technical
interview I attended. Finally, I believe that the things I learned and the people I met at ITU has had a great influence on my character and gave direction to my life.
Uğur Uysal
Software Engineer - Uber

They are looking for people to work in the field of artificial intelligence in America and they still have difficulties finding eligible personnel. I established my own company with the ITU Çekirdek Entrepreneurship and Support
Program. If your favorite fields are computer engineering and artificial intelligence, ITU is the right place.
Uğur Demir
PhD Student - University of Central Florida, USA

Thanks to my gains provided by ITU, I did not experience problems regarding finding a job in the sector at home or abroad, nor have I encountered any issues concerning inadequacy in my profession. With the pride of being an ITU student,
I started my career one step ahead in ethics and discipline. As an entrepreneur from ITU, my advice to students who will choose a university is to research the contributions of ITU graduates to our country and the world. Artificial
Intelligence and Data Engineering is among the most promising professions of the future.
İzzet Yücel Peynirci
Co-Founder - Pintricks Start-Up

As you know, artificial intelligence is one of the most popular topics in the recent years. ITU is one of the universities with a strong academic staff. It is exciting to see ITU opens a department in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Especially the fact that it houses a structure like Arı Teknokent nearby will contribute greatly to your growth by combining theory and practice. Being a part of the ITU family will open up different doors and bring about opportunities
for you in the future.
Rupen Melkisetoğlu
Managing Partner - Argebiz Software

When I heard that the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering undergraduate program will be opened at Istanbul Technical University, I was very happy as a worker in the sector and I was also proud as a graduate of ITU. We all
closely witness the acceleration of artificial intelligence, especially with deep learning. Although we do not realize artificial intelligence and big data applications as end users, we actually use them frequently. They are now
in all aspects of our lives.
Ömer Faruk Çelebi
Software Development Manager - Sahibinden.com

We have become more and more able to concretize the contribution of data-learning decision support and automation systems to productivity in business processes and the differences that human-machine interaction can create. We are going
through a period in which industry-academia collaborations should be strengthened and increased. The most important need of the industry is the young generations who are competent in data science and machine learning and willing
to apply what they learned in academia to real life scenarios and data. As Prometeia, we believe that the collaborations we will develop with the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering department established within ITU will
be a very important step in meeting the increasing data science appetite of the industry.
Seçil Arslan
Senior Manager, Data Science and AI - Prometeia

Artificial intelligence and data processing technologies will shape our future. If you are asking yourself what the job of the future is, I suggest you choose these departments without hesitation.
Hakan Doğu
Renault Group World Vice President